We've survived a year! One fun, amazing, fun and magical year and we couldn't have done it without you! So like the Sith we've decided there must always be 2!
So to celebrate our 1st Birthday we will be doing Double Flash Day Party.
Here's a little video from our opening party a year ago:
DATES: Friday the 4th of May (11am - 9pm) and Saturday the 5th of May (11am - Late)
ADDRESS: 145 Target Road, Wairau Valley, North Shore Auckland.
PARKING: Street parking. Theres a few roads around that might have some car parks available, however public transport means you wont have to worry (you can catch the NEX from town to Sunnynook and the studio is a 10 min walk from there).

TIPS AND TRICKS: We'll open up the doors at 11am, however if you'd like to garantee a spot on the day then arrive a bit earlier to make sure you're at the front of the line :D
We can only tattoo so many people in a day, however we will be taking bookings for later dates also! If you come on the Friday you will be booked for the Friday or another time after the weekend. Saturday will be treated as a new day to keep it fair to those who couldn't attend on the Friday. There are other businesses around us so please be mindful of this when hanging out outside and with parking. Please use any free street parking on the days. Hang out! Once you've booked in your tattoo we will text you when the artist is ready to start your tattoo. That doesn't mean you have the leave, feel free to hang out and watch the movies, game, troll for memes ect. We have Wifi available, so feel free to bring your Nintendo DS or your phones and chargers! ARTISTS:
Each tattoo artist will have their own board of flash! All of our artists and guest artists do different styles of tattooing so have a look at their instagram to see more of their work :D

Adam Cooley

Alex Heart

Keith Lin

Jordan Newnham (Friday only) @randycambel

Brock Fidow (Saturday only)

Booking on the day: Once doors are open you will be able to browse the flash wall and pick the design you would like. It is a first come, first served basis. Once you have decided on the design come to the front desk where Rach will get you booked in, take your details, and let you know what number client you are. We may not be able to give you an exact time estimate depending on how busy we are but we will notify you by text 20/30 mins before we are ready for you.
Important info: Tattoos will be between $180 - $500 depending on size, design and placement. The prices will be on each design on the flash boards to have them tattooed as they are, in full colour, and on either an arm or a leg, prices may change slightly if you want it on another area of the body or a different size..
Each artist is only able to tattoo so many people so if we can't fit you in on the day we can reserve the design for you and get you booked in at a later stage.
All designs will only be tattooed once so don't worry, no one else will have the same tattoo as you!
We also have aftercare available for purchase and information on how to look after your tattoo once your tattoo is done.
GAMING: We have heaps of games to play while you wait or just for you to hang out! Including but not limited to: Mr Meeseeks box o fun
Pokemon Monopoly
What Do You Meme?
Cards against Humanity
Playstation Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Street Fighter
and table top games!

Hi I'm Rach! I'll be here all day, both days, to help you :D I'll be spending most of my time at the front desk making sure you get booked in. I will also be floating around the studio all day so feel free to come to me with any questions or queries at all! I might be a bit busy at times but I will do my best to make sure you are happy and hopefully I will get to have a break to hang out with you all as well!

We'll be giving out spot prizes for best cosplay, raffle winners and Playstation winners filled with anime, gaming and comic goodies!

At the bottom of the stairs when you enter you'll see a photo Op area!Feel free to take some awesome photos of you and your friends here and hashtag #shop934party We'll be looking at these after the events and will be giving prizes to the best snaps!
MOVIES: We'll have all the star wars movies playing through the two days as well as some tasty treats! THANK YOU: We'd also like to take this time to say thank you to everyone who has supported us since opening our shop, everyone who has been tattooed, and made our nerdy community so much fun to be involved in. We truly have the best customers in the world and we cant wait to see you all for our birthday!